

“What’s Your Excuse to Continue in Sin?”

Categories: Excuses, Gospel, Judge, Judgment, Matthew, Sin


“Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7.1, ESV)¹


¹Too often people stop with verse one of Matthew chapter seven. It is as if they do not know that verses 2-6 even exist. Jesus’ point is that if we are going to judge someone, we must make sure the log has been taken out of our eye before focusing on the speck in our brother’s eye. That is how we judge with righteous judging (John 7.24). Additionally, God’s word has already made the judgments. Those who teach sinners to obey Jesus are simply restating what God has already stated in His word and has authorization to do so (Mark 16.15; Matt. 28.19; etc.).

Below are some ways people use Matthew 7.1 along with the translation.

  • "Only God can judge me" translation "leave me alone so I can sin".
  • "You don't know my heart" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "We all sin" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "God knows my heart" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "Don't push your religion on me" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "I thought Jesus said, 'Don't judge'" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "Don't cast stones" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "You are judging" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "God is love" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "That's your interpretation" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "Why do you care?" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "No one likes a Bible thumper" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "Don't talk to me about religion" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."
  • "You have a holier than thou attitude" translation "leave me alone so I can sin."

What’s your excuse to continue in sin? If you want to be left alone so you can continue in sin, then God will leave you alone after the judgment.

If you’re interested in learning more about God’s will, we would be more than happy to help you. Our goal is to live righteous lives so that we can properly help you overcome sin in your life too. E-mail Bryan Garlock, message us on Facebook, or text 903.308.4905 to study with us!

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