

Welcome to the footnote¹ blog. Our goal each day is to examine a verse and give a short summary in commentary form or simply an encouraging note to help you remain faithful to God throughout the week. Either way we hope that the footnote¹ blog will comfort you through God's word and give you a better understanding of His will.


What’s Your Excuse for not Teaching Others?

Thursday, June 08, 2017


“Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.” (Acts 8.4, ESV)¹


¹In the context, Christians were dealing with persecution including prison time, beatings, and/or death (See the books of Acts). Despite this, Christians went about preaching the word. In fact, since the Christians were so diligent in teaching others, Luke recorded in Acts that the church multiplied by the thousands and yet persecutions abounded!

What’s our excuse for not teaching others? Is it the television? Coming home after a long day and putting up our feet to watch T.V. sounds great. Is it the internet? Spending time surfing the net and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is very relaxing. Is it tiredness? Indeed, forty to fifty hours a week at work can be exhausting. Too many activities? Little Johnny has soccer, Suzie has softball, Bobby has piano lessons, Bill has chess club, etc. Of course, these activities are necessary.

Surely one can see the sarcasm above. Simply put, we put too much before our God. We focus on the wrong things. We fill our lives with so much that we neglect spiritual things. If we find ourselves not teaching sinners, isn’t it time we examine our lives and discover what we need to eliminate to make time?

Perhaps time is not the issue. Perhaps a lack of knowledge is the reason why we do not teach. What are we doing about that, brethren? Are we diligently studying? Are we seeking to learn God’s word to teach our family or friends?

Here are the facts: If Christians in the first century lived in a time with no electricity and no modern-day comforts, and dealt with constant hardship due to persecution and yet still taught sinners, then God will not accept our excuses of being too tired, wanting to watch our favorite television shows, or that little billy has football practice every afternoon, etc. It is scary how many of us will be using those excuses on judgment day!

If you want to learn about God’s will, please e-mail Bryan Garlock, message us on Facebook, or text 903.308.405.

Have I Become Your Enemy By Telling You the Truth?

Thursday, April 20, 2017


“Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Galatians 4.16, ESV)¹


¹Paul recorded some blunt things in the book of Galatians. For example, please take the time to read Gal. 1.6-10; 2.4-5, 11-14; 3.1, 10; 4.9-11, 20-21; 5.2-4, 7-9, 12, 19-21, etc.

It was necessary for him to be forceful with these brethren because some were seeking to return to the law of Moses thereby forfeiting their salvation. Therefore, they had to be warned!

It is in this letter that Paul questions the Galatians who were turning to a different (false) gospel: “Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?”

Without fail, any who proclaim the truth today will make enemies. It is one of those things that “come with the job”. One reason why those who speak the truth make enemies is because the truth (light) exposes the error (darkness). People in sin and who want life on their terms do not like for someone to condemn them of their actions. It takes a humble person who hates sin and is willing to acknowledge the error of his ways before he will admit any wrongdoing.

Though Paul had something to say to these brethren, whatever he said was motivated by his love for them (Eph. 4.15). The same is true for us. We publish daily articles all designed to bring people to Christ or to help Christians remain faithful to Him. Each article written and each sermon preached at the Franklin Drive church of Christ is prepared with love and seeks for the goal of everyone’s salvation.

If you’re interested in learning more about God’s will please contact us! We may have some hard things to say, but if you’re willing to listen with a desire to obey as you learn, then you will be on your way to fellowship with God and the joy and peace that comes with knowing Christ! E-mail Bryan Garlock or text 903.308.4905.

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